G Star Q82 Mati Total
[MTK] Open COM8 success!
Press ON/OFF key please...
Target's hw_ver :0x8A05
Target's hw_code :0x6223
Target's sw_ver :0x8A00
Target's CPU UID :000C7071
Get correct bootloader for target...
DA--->4 is selected!
You can release ON/OFF key!
[DA] loading bootloader 1...
[DA] loading bootloader 2...
[BROM] start to test UART link...
[DA] Check NOR flash IC...
Waiting the bootloader initilize...
[COM] Success to set baudrate!
[DA] Bootloader running now,OK
Analysis flash file now...
[FLASH] Start to downloading
[INFO] if phone dead after flash :(
[INFO] Mail flash file to lovegsm@hotmail.com
Loading q82_gstar.bin
File Download Successfully Completed!!!